The Local Physio

What is Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral Manipulation is a gentle hands-on technique that aims to promote normal mobility, tone, and motion of internal organs, as well as the connective tissue and ligaments supporting them. The technique involves specific placement of soft manual forces on the viscera and their associated support structures in relation to the skeleton. This technique is designed to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations in the body that may cause dysfunction and physical pain. 

What is the Origin of Visceral Manipulation?

Visceral manipulation was developed by a French physiotherapist and osteopath by the name of Jean-Pierre Barral in the 1970s. This form of manual therapy he developed focuses on internal organs, the fascial environment surrounding them, and possible effects on their structural and physiological functions.

Benefits of Visceral Manipulation?

Pain Relief

By reducing the tension of the connective tissues around the internal organs, you may start to experience reduced pain and discomfort.

Improved Organ Function

As restrictions are released, this help improve blood flow hence promoting the healing process. This in return restores mobility of the internal organs, leading to improved organ function.

Better Digestion

By reducing the restrictions of the soft tissues, this help promote normal peristaltic movement in the digestive tract, causing improved digestion.

Improved Movement

By restoring proper movement patterns, this help free up the joint and improve range of movement in the joints after reducing stiffness caused by restriction of the soft tissue.

Injury Prevention

Better alignment in the body allows better efficiencies in movement hence prevents potential injuries.


Techniques Used in Visceral Manipulation

Visceral manipulation practitioners utilize a variety of techniques to assess and treat restrictions within the body. Some common methods include:


Listening: This involves placing hands on different areas of the patient’s body, feeling for any abnormal tension or movement patterns that may indicate dysfunction.

Mobilization: Once identified, these restrictions are addressed through gentle manual manipulations using precise pressure and movements to release tight tissues surrounding internal organs.

Evaluation: Throughout a single treatment session, therapists continually reassess their patients’ progress by monitoring changes in EMG activity (muscle response) and other physical indicators after each intervention has been applied. 


What to Expect During a Session of Visceral Manipulation?

Make sure you wear comfortable clothing that allows easy access to your abdomen and lower back. It is also recommended that you avoid eating heavy meals or drinking large amounts of fluids before the appointment.

A typical visceral manipulation session begins with an assessment by an experienced practitioner who will evaluate your posture, mobility, and overall health status. The therapist then applies gentle manual techniques targeting specific areas where they detect restrictions or imbalances within paraspinal muscles and other tissues surrounding internal organs. These techniques are designed not only to alleviate pain but also restore balance within these structures through improved blood flow and reduced EMG activity associated with muscle tension.

Following a session of osteopathic visceral manipulation, you may feel some temporary discomfort or soreness as your body adjusts to the changes. It’s essential to follow aftercare instructions provided by your therapist for optimal recovery and long-lasting benefits. 

FAQs on Visceral Manipulation

Is visceral manipulation legitimate?

Visceral manipulation is a type of manual therapy that utilizes delicate, non-invasive strategies to knead and massage the internal organs for enhanced functioning. Although its effectiveness is not widely supported by scientific evidence, some proponents suggest that visceral manipulation may be beneficial for certain conditions. It should also be noted that visceral manipulation should only be performed by qualified healthcare professionals with extensive training in this field.

What are the risks of visceral manipulation?

Visceral manipulation is a form of physiotherapy which involves manipulating the organs and tissues within the body to enhance mobility, diminish aches, and bring back usual functioning. Despite its potential success, visceral manipulation carries the risk of causing bruising or injury to surrounding tissue, excessive stretching of connective tissue leading to organ rupture if not done properly by an experienced practitioner, and possible nerve damage due to incorrect application of force. These include bruising or injury to surrounding tissue, excessive stretching of connective tissue which can cause tearing or rupture of organs if not performed correctly by an experienced practitioner, and possible nerve damage due to incorrect application of force. It is important for practitioners performing visceral manipulation techniques to be properly trained in order to ensure safety for their patients.


Give Visceral Manipulation a Try

Visceral manipulation is a mild yet potent modality of treatment that can help athletes to perform better, lessen discomfort and foster overall wellbeing. It works by restoring the normal mobility to organs within the body’s visceral system in order to restore balance throughout the entire body. Regular sessions of this type of treatment can lead to improved flexibility, better posture, increased range-of-motion and enhanced recovery time from physical activity or injury. With its many benefits for sports people it is no wonder why so many are turning towards Visceral Manipulation as an alternative form of care.